Tulikivi soapstone stoves are one-of-a-kind
heat storing, fuel saving fireplaces
- Tulikivi soapstone stoves bring warmth and comfort and are a complete and finished product.
- These stoves are a woodburning, heat accumulating soapstone fire-place.
- An electric heating option is also available for most of these stoves. Read more..
- Installation usually takes 3 to 7 days on a prepared site.
- Tulikivi soapstone is mined from quarries in Finland. This ancient natural stone contains all the properties to build a top of the range fireplace.
- The heat accumulating capacity of a Tulikivi is very high, the heat conduction swift and the radiation long-lasting.
- Soapstone holds 2.5 times more heat than bricks and conducts it 7 times faster.
- The quality of the Tulikivi soapstone stove we deliver is precise and consistent. The many advantages of this system combine to create a value packed investment for your home and enjoyment of life.
- Please find a range of models below and for more comprehensive and detailled information please visit www.tulikivi.com
Click Image below to view the Tulikivi brochure
Soapstone Heating Ireland
Tulikivi fireplaces are available in the series Classic (series 1), Middle to heavy weight (series 2), or Light weight models (series 3). Although all models can be installed in any type of building, the Series 2 and 3 models are developed for the more modern and better insulated homes. The serie 3 heaters are better suited for smaller areas and so called “passive energy homes”.
The Serie 1 models are the classic and more heavy models with the greatest heat storing capacity. They are classic, but that does not mean that the are old fashioned, since these models, like the series 2 and 3, adhere to the strict EN 15250 regulation of the European Union, the Rosenheim building biology institution and the Frauenhofer institution (radio activity).
Compared to series 1, series 2 and 3 models have an improved air tightness from stove to room and an insulated cavity wall that can be used to install water or electric back-up heating. Serie 3 also have double glazed doors for improved combustion and insulation levels.